
Friday 4 March 2011

Stylish and Lovely blog Awards

I got these 2 lovely awards from PJ  of Seduce Your tastebuds which asks me to share some information about me.   Information about me is here .  Thank you very much PJ.  I am truly honoured and touched.   It's these Awards that make me carry on blogging!

I share these Awards with all my blogger friends.

If you enjoy reading my blog, please click on Follow or become a fan of my page on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.  

My blog  is also available on Kindle.


  1. Congrats on your award hope u get many more dear.

  2. congrats Mina on the well deserved awards

  3. congrats on ur well deserved awards and just keep rocking and posting many more new dishes.

  4. Conrrats on the awards you definately deserve them you have awonderful blog.


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